Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thoughts of euphoric economic outcome

It was one month to the day since being brought into the scope of the restructuring corporation. I have taken the time to do little if anything productive. I have resolved my 2008 taxes and have become more focused on pursuing some items of personal growth. The most important of which is the following picture.
A hope manifested in me today, though. There might be a chance that when our global economy gets back on track it will be sane. What I mean by this is: The economic "reset" button is triggered and upon restart we find there are no longer jobs of impotence. There is enough work and money in the world that everyone could be doing something of real value/worth. No longer would there be the need to create work out of nothing, or worse out of someone's inability to do their job. Maybe this economic down turn will knock some sense into the corporate managers and CEO's that not every mole hill needs to be developed and nourished in to a K2.
Will this also hurt economically, yes in the short term it might but it would be a mere pinch compared to what we are dealing w/now. the sarariman (salaryman) of the world would still be out of a job, but they would know that they must work towards something worthwhile and sustainable. I would assume (w/in this Utopian scene) my previous line of corp work would be omitted too, fine by me. This "value" and "worth" could be problematic because I'm sure there is some room for judgement.

Let's just think about this for a while.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Updated status

Per my previous post regarding my change to employment, that was upcoming. Well, that never came. The company determined that they needed to keep our physical location open a while longer and postponed our closer date to "indefinitely." That date still lingers on, hanging over the employees beleaguered heads. As for me, I was given the 'reorganization' hatchet w/the rest of my specific department. Now I am looking those previously written ideas in the face. It's sort of boring.
It is so much more rewarding having the time to stare at the deep pit of what lies within, when normally we all have to get our work done. But now we have these things call Blogger, Myspace, Facebook, etc... that we can fill that introspective time w/rambling text that describes our personal circumstances. I don't feel it's a bad thing, I just have a hard time sitting down to actual put it into words (and not feel I should be doing something else).